For now, all versions are compiled Java bytecode.
- Languages supported by the JMDB v1.40 and later (sorted by name):
- JMDB v1.40 (final)
Java Movie Database v1.40 is available!
It will support the new TSV data format IMDb introduced in mid 2017. As the data lacks almost every detail information previously provided by the LIST file format (no plot, no release-dates, no biographies, etc.), the new data format is currently only read into the database but not actually used.
You can get more details about the current discussion surrounding the new IMDb TSV data format on this page: a lot of complaints the paid S3 download option a normal HTTP download option was added. See the normal Alternate Interfaces page from IMDb here: IMDb Datasets (Alternate Interfaces
As is is unclear if/when the new TSV data files will include all the details available in the past and also who will get access it is required to keep a copy of the full IMDb LIST files dataset.
Maybe it will be allowed to keep copies of this dataset on other websites or maybe not. To be safe just get a full copy! have been multiple updates in the past that were not officially release on this website but you could get on request (plus the group of JMDB beta-testers).
Beside that the new v1.40 final offers:- much faster import speed (10x compared to v1.36; all little bit slowed down by the full text indexing)
- searches a lot faster (uses full text search)
- supports more IMDb LIST files
- supports the new IMDb TSV files (currently only read/imported)
- easier to use
- enhanced data output
- enhanced image display feature
- other enhancements
- includes numerous other bugfixes and enhanced error handling (workarounds for problems with the LIST files)
LATEST VERSION (will be available shortly)
Scroll down for version details!
Download current JMDB v1.40 final [2018-05-28]
Currently only the generic ZIP archive is available. The installer package for Windows (EXE) as well as ArcaOS/eComStation (EXE and WPI) will follow later.
Generic ZIP package for all OSes (5100 KB)
Version History
(*) feature corrected / updated
(+) added feature
(-) removed feature
(/) external addons included and environment checks
(u) unfinished work
(!) General information
- 1.40 final (2018-05-28)
Detailed changes:
IMDb stops providing the beloved '*.list.gz' via FTP servers! The last update should have happened on 2017-09-08 (removing of files was planned on 2017-09-10) but this has been postponed to end of December 2017 (2017-12-28).
Now they are in a frozen state:
Amazon S3...what is that... First of all downloading the *.tsv.gz files from Amazon S3 'bucket' is not for free. The IMDb offered bucket for the data is a 'Requester-Pays' S3 bucket. So you will have to pay for each Gigabyte you download. Amazon Simple Storage Service or short S3 is part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS). As IMDb is part of Amazon, this makes sense for them no doubt about that.
The Amazon S3 service is one thing: "quite annoying"!
First you need an account. You can upgrade your normal Amazon Website account to be able to use Amazon Web Services and the S3 'sub-service'. You also need a credit card (which is not 'standard' in every country). Yes you need a credit card, there is no way around it, well you have to pay to download the files anyway. Currently Amazon Web Service is free for one year which includes S3 with 5 GB data storage and more.
The really annoying stuff starts when you need to create user and rights which is a little bit overwhelming. You need to enable Cloudfront... access plus AmazonS3... access for the user! Both are needed to be able to access the 'external' IMDb 'bucket'. The clients I used always returned an error '403' and I didn't know what was missing...hours later I stumbled over the Cloudfront listing feature I also had to enable.
The userkey and secret key are required and need to be entered into some special software to access S3 from your Windows/Linux/Mac system. An FTP-client would be much easier to handle (most browsers speak 'FTP'). I could implement a download feature into JMDB but currently there is no plan to do so.
After a lot of complaints a HTTPS download option for the latest files was added around Christmas in December 2017, which seems to be a temporary solution:
The new data files are missing A LOT of data:- no mappings from actors/actresses to titles/movies
- there are no biographies
- there is no plot description
- there are no rating reasons
- there are no release details (release dates)
- and lots of other missing stuff
On the plus side: The only PLUS is that we finally get the official list of IMDb IDs. So no longer illegal scraping of the IMDb website is required. It would be possible to offer the IDs for the old *.list files but this might not be allowed. The JMDB application will be able to consume the IMDb IDs for the movies.list data.
More negative stuff: As a lot of data is missing the stuff we have now is getting old very quickly.
A lot of PHD students used the IMDb data and the Java Movie Database application in the past to build data-sets for data analysis will no longer be able to use the IMDb data for this (only ageing data...if they can get some archived files). Also school classes who used this application and the IMDb data have to face the fact that they are stuck with the last data available....sorry guys! The last hope will be Col Needham himself (CEO and founder of IMDb), if he steps in so the same information as before will be offered by the new *.tsv.gz files.
Call to act now: I encourage everyone to write Mr. Needham so we get the full dataset as before in the new format and hopefully back on some FTP server, otherwise the Java Movie Database application will die at the age of 18 years!
I try to prevent this be merging the new data into the old data structure but this won't work forever. - (+) added initial general support to read the new IMDb '*.tsv.gz' files.
NOTE: Uncompressed '*.tsv' files are not supported as the not very
smart (?) people at IMDb named all files in the archive the
same (data.tsv). :facepalm
Speed wise this not a problem, the compressed files can be processed even faster with on-the-fly decompression as we've seen with the *.list.gz files. - (!) The following new TSV files can be imported but they are not yet used in the search! This is still handled by the data from the LIST files.
- (+) added support of the 'title.basics.tsv.gz' file
- (+) added support of the 'title.akas.tsv.gz' file
- (+) added support of the 'title.episode.tsv.gz' file
- (+) added support of the 'title.ratings.tsv.gz' file
- (+) added support of the 'name.basics.tsv.gz' file
- (+) added support of the 'title.crew.tsv.gz' file
- (+) added support of the 'title.principals.tsv.gz' file
- (+) Added a search feature to the DetailWindow which you can use to search for specific information for the current title/person and which also highlights the matches. You can use advanced features like 'regular expressions' (Java RegEx).
- (+) Added a bookmark column to the SimpleResultWindow showing the search results to indicate if you have bookmarked an entries or not. There is some room for improvements for this feature like direct clicking the symbol to bookmark/un-bookmark the entry.
- (*) Changed internal handling of click-able 'links' that reference other titles
or persons which included a bug (I call it: broken by design).
Before the full line was highlighted while now it is only the title or name.
In general the process of writing the details to the DetailWindow has been updated to handle the data output better. - (*) The aka-* files are now processed with an extra check of the charset.
Normally all text is read using 'ISO-8859-1' but some entries point
to other charsets (e.g. Russian KOI8-R encoded text, Greek ISO-8859-7
and Baltic countries ISO-8859-2).
With the extra check it is possible to translate the names to the original character set, so non western character sets on aka-names/ aka-title will be written correctly into the database and get displayed correctly inside the application. - (*) Replaced the internal storage of movie details which improves the lookup
speed by factor 2x which helps all other data to be processed faster.
The new code also lowers the memory usage due to optimized string storage.
Speed on my computer using PostgreSQL 9.6 (full import of IMDb files
skipping the new TSV data files):
- before the modification: 1 hour 6 minutes
- after the modification.: 40 minutes
- (*) PostgreSQL is set as default database
- (*) Changed/updated MySQL default URL parameter (added '&useSSL=false') and changed internal code to disable '&rewriteBatchedStatements=true' which caused '#42000' errors when the TSV files are processed because the MySQL JDBC driver does not support multiple Prepared Statement writing data into different tables. Not using rewritten INSERT INTO SQL statements slows down writing the content of the TSV to the database significantly! I strongly advise everybody to switch to PostgreSQL now!
- (*) Changed MySQL text columns in the 'goofs', 'soundtrack' and 'movielinks' table from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT because of the size of the content.
- (*) Changed maximum length of the 'addition' columns where the column is
limited (e.g. SQL Server, MySQL 5.0+, etc.).
The reason was one entry in the writer.list, which contained an additional information with more then >1500 characters. - (*) Changed the internal handling of 'movie-links.list.gz' to prevent
JMDB to crash on broken IMDb export files.
The problem was (or still is) that IMDb uploaded broken files to the FTP servers which caused JMDB to crash while importing the file. The first entries of the movie-links.list.gz are missing the actual movie/tv-show title where the listed information is linked to. - (*) Changed the internal handling of 'soundtracks.list.gz' to work around errors in the exported IMDb data (the first ~150 lines contain incomplete data - the movie reference is missing).
- (*) Changed the internal handling of 'quotes.list.gz' to work around problematic lines which previously caused the end of the processing of the 'current' movie quote section.
- (*) Added another change to the handling of the 'quotes.list.gz' because with the data released on Fri 2017-10-27 in the middle titles were missing (similar to the issue found in the soundtracks.list.gz file). The lines where no title is found are written into the JMDB.log file as it is hard to find the actual error by looking into the LIST file without additional information (to much data inside).
- (*) Fixed PDF-Export function and added some minor GUI enhancement (save
and restore scroll position).
NOTE: Images are still not (yet) included in the exported PDF details! - (*) For the experimental image display feature now all subdirectories
of the 'imagerepository' directory (or what you might have set as source
directory for images) are recursively searched for matching image files.
Additional notes:- As for large data-sets (several thousand image files in several
hundred sub-directories) this takes a very long time to search
and also to add the images to the DetailWindow.
Because if this number of images added to the DetailWindow is limited.
By default it is currently set to 10 entries.
There are two parameters in the config file to change this behaviour
(here with the current default values - Setup dialog will be extended
at a later point as I need the translations for all languages which takes
some time):
- JMDBMain.cfgImageRepositoryLimitImagesToDisplay=yes
- JMDBMain.cfgImageRepositoryLimitImagesMaxNumberOfImagesToDisplay=10
- As for large data-sets (several thousand image files in several
hundred sub-directories) this takes a very long time to search
and also to add the images to the DetailWindow.
Because if this number of images added to the DetailWindow is limited.
By default it is currently set to 10 entries.
There are two parameters in the config file to change this behaviour
(here with the current default values - Setup dialog will be extended
at a later point as I need the translations for all languages which takes
some time):
- (+) Added a popup menu to each image displayed by the experimental image display feature which allows you to call the systems file explorer with the directory where the file is located. This is currently not using 'localized' text. This option is currently only showing up on Windows, Linux and MacOS and I need some feedback on MacOS if it is working there as expected.
- (*) For all person names and titles in the detail window an image indicator
(unicode 'camera' or 'camera with flash') character is added at the end of
the line with the name/title.
The search in the background will only look until it finds the first image.
By default this function is turned off.
Additional notes:
- Again this can slow down the data population process *significantly*, even
more compared to the original image display feature for your search
target at the top. The reason is that this search is called for every
name or title listed in the DetailWindow.
In the long term a list of images might be stored in memory in the background or maybe a file index that will be updated periodically.
Because of this another parameter has been added to the config file to turn this feature on or off (the Setup dialog will be extended at a later point as I need the translations for all languages which takes some time):- JMDBMain.cfgImageRepositoryScanToDisplayImageIndicatorMarker=no
- Again this can slow down the data population process *significantly*, even
more compared to the original image display feature for your search
target at the top. The reason is that this search is called for every
name or title listed in the DetailWindow.
- (*) Added formatted output to the main window status bar at the bottom and use the it also while processing the data to show how many files have already been processed (it is now better to read due to a separator at the thousands digit).
- (*) Some enhancements for the secret sub-project (now put on hold because of the new TSV data files from IMDb).
- 1.40 pre-release 4 - multiple in 2017 [NO PUBLIC RELEASE/Only Beta-Testers]
Detailed changes:
- A lot of stuff listed in the final release change log above.
- 1.40 pre-release 3 - 2016-12-27 [HOTFIX]
Detailed changes:
- (*) Fixed import where a false end of data mark was found (movie title
'---- (2013)').
Internally the string '----' was used to determine that no more data will follow but now we have a movie title with the exact same string pattern, so instead of 4 mio movies only the first 2.7 mio entries where read.
- (*) Fixed import where a false end of data mark was found (movie title
'---- (2013)').
- 1.40 pre-release 3 - 2016-05-31
Detailed changes:
- (+) Added 'Episode List' to main TV-Show entry where all seasons and episodes are displayed in the correct order. Maybe later this will be enhanced to allow lists within a particular episode and not only the main TV-Show entry. That would allow the user to call a different episode directly.
- (*) Enhanced image display feature to support filenames for movies and persons which contain illegal characters on different operating systems (like the characters ':', '\', '<', '>' and so on on Windows). The illegal characters are replaced by an underscore character. Beside that for movies the IMDb-ID is supported (if available). Details on the file structure are currently written into the JMDB.log!
- (*) Fixed 'soundtracks.list' import which didn't work any more due to the change of the keyword at the beginning of the file. It has been changed from 'SOUNDTRACKS LIST' to 'SOUNDTRACKS' between 2012-02-17 and 2011-12-10 (round about 3 month after JMDB included the support of the soundtracks file).
- 1.40 pre-release 3 - 2015-10-31 [NO PUBLIC RELEASE/Only Beta-Testers]
Detailed changes:
- (+) Added support for Microsoft SQL Server >=2008 using the jTDS JDBC
driver (the official MS JDBC driver is currently not supported).
The data import speed is round about 3-times slower compared to
PostgreSQL/MySQL on the same machine.
NOTE: For the required 'full text search' used by JMDB you need an edition of the SQL Server which supports the full-text search. This has been added to the free edition of SQL Server Express with the 'Advanced Services' since 2008 R2!
You still might have to enable it manually (MS SQL SERVER BUG!).
For other editions of the SQL Server you need *BUY* the SQL Server. The LocalDB installation doesn't support full text search! - (*) Updated the experimental image display feature to show a larger image if you click on the preview inside the DetailWindow. The larger image is closed again after clicking on it. The image is always scaled to fit into the internal JMDB application window.
- (*) Applied some internal performance enhancements
- (*) More checks on the IMDb files to prevent stalled imports if the *.list.gz (GZIP) files downloaded are broken/incomplete. As a result the file check at the import process now takes a few more seconds to complete.
- (*) Updated internal SQL index checks (normal import and resume mode)
- (*) Fixed a bug processing the ratings file so that for 11 movies the information was incomplete.
- (*) Removed debug output from several internal methods as they are no longer required.
- (*) Changed internal columns to store long text information when
importing the IMDb data (error message at the console or log file
is something like e.g. this MySQL message 'Data truncation: Data too
long for column XXX'):
- PostgreSQL:
- generally replaced 'VARCHAR(length)' by 'VARCHAR' without length
- MySQL:
- generally replaced 'VARCHAR(length)' by the 'TEXT' type
- updated the trivia table to use 'MEDIUMTEXT' instead of 'TEXT' for the column triviatext (there are 6 entries [as of 2014-12-19] which are over 65535 bytes long; 'TEXT' limit is 65535 bytes)
- replaced internal keyword 'KEY' with 'INDEX' when the table is created
- SQL Server:
- using 'NVARCHAR(MAX)' for columns that contain longer descriptions
- PostgreSQL:
- (!) Tested MariaDB v10.0.20 which seems to works if you select the database
option 'MySQL >=5.0.0' in the JMDB configuration window.
There is no performance difference for the data import to speak of (compared MariaDB v10.0.20 with MySQL v5.6.25 similar settings). - (!) Internal code clean-up and refactoring including SQL queries changes (SQL: e.g. some NATURAL JOINs have been removed due to the fact that the MS SQL Server doesn't support them and INNER JOINs are 'cleaner').
- (u) There is a problem with the search result window which might not show the actors column (search for movies) when this feature has been turned on in the JMDB configuration. Unfortunately this always works when executed in the development environment but fails when the application is started normally. So far I was unable to identify what causes the issue.
- (+) Added support for Microsoft SQL Server >=2008 using the jTDS JDBC
driver (the official MS JDBC driver is currently not supported).
The data import speed is round about 3-times slower compared to
PostgreSQL/MySQL on the same machine.
- 1.40 pre-release 2+ (2014-02-12) PUBLIC RELEASE!!!
Detailed changes:
- (+) Added additional parameters to JMDB specifically for an auto-update process (see startxxxautoupdater.[sh/cmd] script and the notes below). Parameter: importpath="<FULL-PATH-TO_LIST-GZ-FILES>" Together with the older parameters like "importwithindex" and the new added command line and shell scripts you can run the import each week (Task/Cron) fully automatically.
- (*) Changed the internal handling of all movie title related aka files ('aka-titles', etc.) to skip entries which use too long titles.
- (*) Changed the internal handling of 'movie-links.list.gz' to prevent JMDB to crash on broken IMDb export files. The problem was (or still is) that IMDb uploaded broken files to the FTP servers which caused JMDB to crash while importing the file. The first entries of the movie-links.list.gz are missing the actual movie/tv-show title where the listed information is linked to.
- (*) Changed the internal inline links (qv##mn.. and qv##tt..) replacement to the IMDb website which could cause JMDB to get into an endless loop. Inline links are used in the 'plot.list.gz' and also the 'biographies.list.gz'. They have been removed for some time by IMDb but are now (2013) seem to come back into the *.list files.
- (*) Changed internal buffer array for movies2xxx tables which could get larger then defined. This can occur especially on actors/actresses files where a person has a recurring role on a tv show which is running for a very long time (decades) like e.g. 'The price is right'.
- (*) Changed the Linux shell script first line from "#!/bin/sh" to
BSD users: You will have to change this path to "#!/usr/local/bin/bash" as this is the location normally used on BSD systems! - (*) Changed the MacOS shell script call from "/bin/sh" to "/bin/bash" and updated internal dates
- (*) Updated the code used for an JMDB sub-project
- (*) Updated all scripts to use the debugmode parameter with the value of 10
- (*) Minor internal updates for the multi-language support
- (/) Renamed 'startwin*.bat' files to 'startwin*.cmd'
- (/) Added 'startwinautoupdater.cmd' and '' scripts to handle automatic FTP downloads. Added some JMDB startup parameters in the 'startwin*.cmd' and '' scripts to use the parameter submitted by the 'startXXautoupdater.*' scripts. The latest update also uses the jmdb.cfg config file to get the list of files to download (previously this had to be defined manually).
- (u) Reworking database connection handling (UNFINISHED)
- (u) Reworking the directory path checks (UNFINISHED)
- (u) Reworking the image-repository feature, specifically image scaling [config option] and filenames based on titles [handling special chars] (UNFINISHED)
- 1.40 pre-release 2 (2010-05-14) [NO PUBLIC RELEASE/Only Beta-Testers]
Detailed changes:
- (+) Added image display in the detail window (for movies/persons).
The images need to be stored in the subdirectory 'imagerepository'
of the JMDB installation (--> Supported formats: JPG, PNG and GIF)
Note: Because the filename structure will change in the future this is more of an experimental feature! - (+) Added support of the 'sound-mix.list'
- (+) Added support of the 'soundtrack.list'
- (+) Added the ID (movieid, actorid,...) from the local database to the progress bar tooltip of the Detail Window. This is more a 'hidden' debugging feature but maybe you also want to know it. ;)
- (*) Changed import of goofs.list(.gz) and trivia.list(.gz) to remove blank lines.
- (*) Fixed error importing the biographies.list(.gz) file that prevented adding a new line when a "*" star-bullet character has been found.
- (*) Changed order of details shown for movies.
- (*) Changed table structure internally for...
- production-companies
- color-info
- technical
- language
- distributors
- locations
- (*) Changed output for lists to use a 'bullet' character instead of a "-" or "*" for better readability (e.g. goofs, trivia,...).
- (*) Changed output of 'genre' and 'keywords' information into a comma
separated list of words. Before the keywords took to much space.
The genre information is short and will be still easy to read. - (*) Reduced memory usage (plots, quotes, biographies, movie-links)
- (*) Updated start scripts to use 450 MB for Java (was 400 MB before).
- (+) Added image display in the detail window (for movies/persons).
The images need to be stored in the subdirectory 'imagerepository'
of the JMDB installation (--> Supported formats: JPG, PNG and GIF)
- 1.40 pre-release 1 (2010-04-01)
Detailed changes:
- (+) Added support of text search (currently MySQL and PostgreSQL)
which is a lot faster compared to the previous LIKE/ILIKE search.
Creating the necessary indexes eates a little bit of the huge import speed improvements (see below).
Note 1:MySQL will fall back to the slow LIKE search if a searched word is <3 characters long.NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!
Note 2: Text-Search and LIKE/ILIKE search will not return the exact same search results!
Note 3: Operators as 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT' (PostgreSQL) as well as '!', '+', '-' (MySQL) can be used! - (+) Rewrote the import to use JDBC 'Prepared Batch Inserts' which speed up the import for PostgreSQL and also MySQL (especially with the rewriteBatchedStatements parameter - for MySQL check: Mark Matthews: A 10x Performance Increase for Batch INSERTs With MySQL Connector/J Is On The Way....)
- (+) Changed basic SQL execution classes in JMDB so a JDBC driver
supporting a backwards scrolling ResultSet is no longer needed.
This allowed updating the PostgreSQL driver to the latest release (see external addons below). - (+) Added support of the 'alternate-versions.list'
- (+) Added support of the 'crazy-credits.list'
- (+) Added support of the 'literature.list'
- (+) Added support of the 'locations.list'
This basically also allows to open google maps to lookup the location in your browser. Some search words might prevent google from finding the location so you might have to delete some of the words used. - (+) Added italian translation (many thanks to Vittorio Monaco)
- (+) Added parameter and checkbox to disable most of the settings
within the JMDB-Setup dialog that normally don't have to be
This will help new users to configure JMDB faster and to reduce confusion. - (+) Introduced a debug parameter so features not yet ready to be used by the end-user are hidden. As a result you no longer see the IMDb FTP-Server tab in the JMDB-Setup dialog.
- (*) Fixed some typos in english translation
- (*) Changed the min/max width of the 'Ratings' column that's normally shown in the search result window. For example on Linux (e.g. Ubuntu) this column has been to small so the number of votes were truncated.
- (*) 'MySQL >=5.0.0' is selected as default MySQL version on first start in JMDB-Setup dialog. Before 'MySQL >3.23.28' has been selected. This was causing the problem that users use the wrong version, because they don't change the value unless they use PostgreSQL.
- (*) Updated default URL parameters for MySQL to use 'rewriteBatchedStatements=true' and removed the parameter 'characterEncoding=iso8859-1' which is causing some problems with newer MySQL and Connector/J versions.
- (*) Fixed the MySQL index creation on 4 tables. The error didn't do any damage but showed up on the JMDB.log.
- (*) Updated selection of default import file setting which are now internally updated so no restart is needed to activate the changes (now internally the default settings are stored; before all entries just had been enabled).
- (*) Fixed automatic check when the path to the IMDb list files is entered directly are selected using the file dialog. The path is instantly checked if the files can be found!
- (*) Updated the Movie Collection to use the database abstraction.
It's now possible to define the codepage/charset in the *.def file so the *.data can be read corrently if the default behaviour doesn't work.
The code has been updated to use BatchInserts for the tmpmovies table and it's possible to turn off the creation and population of the tmpmovies table.
The tmpmovies table now contains the columns movieid, title and year (the year has been added).
General note: Tests show that PostgreSQL v8.4 is 10x faster compared to MySQL 5.1.27! On a second call of the collection MySQL is catching up. - (*) Updated URLs (HTML files and documentation/created desktop icons)
- (*) Updated HTML help including the images that come with JMDB to show the new JMDB-Setup dialog settings.
- (*) Updated MacOS '' directory and content
- (/) Added sample Excel/OpenOffice sheets containing movies of
'John Doe' that can be exported to a *.data file.
This sample allows you to use Excel/OpenOffice to add movies which can be shared with friends using JMDB. - (/) Added latest PostgreSQL JDBC driver v8.4
- (/) Added latest MySQL JDBC driver 5.1.11 because of the possible speed improvements while using the URL parameter 'rewriteBatchedStatements=true'.
- (/) Fixed error in the REXX script that prevented it to create desktop icons and start scripts on eComStation and OS/2.
- (!) Tested the external MySQL InnoDB plugin (tested v1.0.4 with MySQL 5.1.37)! This is faster then the default InnoDB engine that comes with MySQL: InnoDB plug-in
- (+) Added support of text search (currently MySQL and PostgreSQL)
which is a lot faster compared to the previous LIKE/ILIKE search.
- 1.36 (2009-02-05 - Refresh 2009-02-17)
Detailed changes:
- (*) Updated the import class responsible for the aka files (titles and names). Due to a changed title JMDB did interpret one entry as end of data mark and stopped importing aka-titles before it was complete.
- (+) Added translation for Chinese mainland and Taiwan (zh_CN and zh_TW) in the JMDB v1.36 refreshed package which is otherwise unchanged (many thanks to Zhangdao).
- (/) Updated all start scripts to use (max.) 400MB by default because more memory is again needed for the import (-Xmx parameter; see also entry page).
- 1.35 (2007-09-20)
Detailed changes:
- (+) Added the selection of the first line in a JTable if there are entries in it (this will work for all JTables used by JMDB).
- (+) Added keyboard support for the JTables which list the search results. This enhancement will let you call the details of the currently selected entry by pressing 'ENTER'-key.
- (+) Added support for another external Java LookAndFeel extension
- NimROD (FREE -
It has a small problem on eComStation and OS/2 with the Golden Code Java but doesn't show this problem with the Innotek Java version.
The user has to drop the Look and Feel package (it's a *.jar file;
e.g. 'looks-2.0.4.jar') into the subdirectory '.\plugins\laf'.
See note "1.35 beta - 2006-08-10" for the other supported LookAndFeel extensions. - NimROD (FREE -
- (+) Added Dutch translation (many thanks to Roland Bouwmans)
- (+) Added/Updated French translation (many thanks to Jean-Claude Vignoli)
- (*) Updated Russian translation (many thanks to Vladimir Frelikh)
- (*) Updated Serbian translation (many thanks to Marko Bastovanovic)
- (*) Updated Spanish translation (many thanks to Delfi Reinoso)
- (*) Updated Swedish translation (many thanks to Johnny Johannesson)
- (*) Updated links to other websites (e.g. Paul Smedley website)
- (*) Updated HTML-Help
- (*) Tweaked the size of table columns (varchar) a little bit to import the latest IMDb files without an error.
- (-) Removed Expert Result window
- (/) Added latest stable MYSQL database driver of the v3.1.x series. (Connector/J V3.1.14 - 2006-10-18)
- (/) Added informations for a major speed-up when using MySQL InnoDB storage engine. This will make the index creation on the movies2actors table 6x times faster (or even more depending on your system).
- (!) Included are ALL changes from the previous beta versions!!!
Please read the details about these changed in the following
version notes.
Most noticable changes - there are more...
==========================================- Added support of the 'movies-links.list' file
- Added support for the IMDb tv series/shows episode listing that has been added end of January 2006 (see note "1.35 beta - 2006-02-22")
- Workaround for reoccuring IMDb errors (slightly slows down the import of some *.list(.gz) files).
- Major speed improvements (see note "1.35 beta - 2006-08-10")
- Updated and new languages files
- PDF-Export (see note "1.35 beta - 2006-08-02")
- Memory monitoring while importing (can lead to false warnings as I need to guess the -Xmx parameter setting)
- Exception handling added (--> OutOfMemoryException will be catched)
- Database changes
- Added support for unoffical IMDb ID list file (only movie ID's)
- PostgreSQL support
- Better Apple MacOS X integration (icon,...)
- Added support for other Swing Look'n'Feels (see note "1.35 beta - 2006-08-10")
- 1.35 internal beta (2007-01-23)
Detailed changes:
- (+) Added JMDB start script (.app bundle) for Mac OS X (many thanks to James Nicolson, Kai Schulte and Jan Weiss) and also added Icon library with multiple sizes to the .app bundle ( directory).
- (*) Updated linux start script (many thanks to Jan Weiss)
- (*) Updated language file keys
- (-) Removed old MySQL JDBC fallback driver name
- (/) Updated readme.txt (List of supporters has been updated once again)
- (/) Updated all start scripts to use (max.) 200MB by default because more memory is needed for the import (-Xmx parameter).
- (u) Experimental work testing Derby (aka Java DB) and SQLite by Holger Cremer. There are several things to change until this will work. Don't expect anything before JMDB v1.40!
- 1.35 BETA4 (2006-11-17)
Detailed changes:
- (+) added memory monitoring (JMDB will warn you when it runs on low memory <15MB).
(+) added exception handling for OutOfMemoryError exceptions
The import will be canceled and a information message will be shown! -
(+) added support for an unoffical IMDb ID list for movies
provided by an JMDB user (IMDb doesn't release this
information). This requires round about 40-50 MB more
memory (at the moment).
The file may be available on my website later (or the download will be possible within JMDB).
There is a small database modification (added a new field imdbId to the movies table) which is currently only used on the movie details (the movie URL).
The file (~11.5 MB) is currently only available on request! - (+) added Serbian translation (many thanks to Marko Bastovanovic for this and the other thing)
(*) added workaround/checks for the double SPACE problem of
episode titles from movies
This slows down the import on some files! The errors are written to the IMDb_Error.log! -
(*) enhanced IMDb_Error.log output, so you see where a failed
request came from.
Most errors are from the outdated/no longer supported german-/italian-/iso-aka-titles files. - (*) some minor enhancements
- (*) all other improvements from the previous 1.35 BETA versions are included
- (/) updated instOS2.cmd script (eCS and OS/2) and also the Linux/MacOS/Windows start scripts (start*.*) because more memory is needed for the import (-Xmx parameter).
- (u) translation is not up-to-date for Spanish, Russian, Swedish and Serbian (english messages will be shown instead of the correct language). The german and english translation is complete.
- 1.35 BETA3 (2006-08-10)
Detailed changes:
- (*) Speed improvement on IMDb list file import for
- biographies (~13 times faster)
- plots (~ 3 times faster)
- business (~ 6 times faster)
- quotes (12-21 times faster; maybe even more)
- mpaa-rating-reasons (speedup unknown/not compared)
- trivia (speedup unknown/not compared)
- taglines (speedup unknown/not compared)
- goofs (speedup unknown/not compared)
- (*) Swedish language file updated (all languages are on the same level again)
Many thanks to Olof Hjalmarsson for taking the time to update it! - (*) changed the logging behaviour a little bit on the import that allows
to disable it after a certain number of errors occurred (currently 10).
A additional debugMode will also be turned on that will output additional
information into the logfile until the loggins will be temporarily
The logging will be enabled again at the end of each list file. The code itself needs some cleanup here as it's only a hack due to the import problems that show up all the time (see website-news on 2006-08-08 and the added workaround for the running-times.list). - (+) added support of the 'movies-links.list'
Currently those don't allow to call details on the referenced movie by just clicking on the name. It's a little bit tricky to add it and would take to much time that I don't have right now. - (+) added support for several external (3rd party) Java LookAndFeel extensions,
but some may not work with the Java Runtime version that are
used by the user and therefore not loaded.
The user has to drop the Look and Feel package (it's a *.jar file;
e.g. 'looks-2.0.4.jar') into the subdirectory '.\plugins\laf'.
NOTE 1: Most of the LAFs above also support additional skins/colors which is currently not supported/chooseable in JMDB!
NOTE 2: I may remove support for of the LAFs in the final release!
Supported LAFs:- JGoodies Looks (FREE -
Lipstik (Free for non commercial use -
I'm in contact with the author because:- v1.0 beta has a small problem to add itself to the styles menu
Golden Code Java 1.4.1 on eCS and OS/2 doesn't work 100% with
the JMDB Setup (the file chooser doesn't work).
Maybe it's a general Java 1.4.1 issue.
- Substance (License BSD -
- Tonic (License LGPL -
- (+) added a check at startup that will delete the JMDB.log if it's bigger than 512 KB.
(+) added workaround for a IMDb file export bug in the running-times.list
'[..]USA:3[Some really stupid description][..]'
This problem showed up on an import test with files from 2006-08-04! - (/) updated instOS2.cmd script (eCS and OS/2) - EPM.EXE used to open JMDB.log
- (/) updated bugs.txt
- (/) for the commandline import option read the description in the history.txt for JMDB '1.35 beta - 2006-02-22'
- (*) Speed improvement on IMDb list file import for
- 1.35 BETA2 (2006-08-02)
Detailed changes:
- (*) Speed improvement (factor 2) for MySQL 4/5 databases!
[Detail: using '..UNION..'/'..INNER JOIN..' instead of '..IN (SELECT..)'] - (*) fixed LIMIT issues on 'MySQL >=4.0.x/5.0' which
prevented to use this option for the search
(temporary fix for BETA 1 was selecting the 'MySQL >3.23.28'
setting in the JMDB-Setup after an IMDb list file import).
The import was working and hasn't changed! - (*) fixed aka search with the 'MySQL >3.23.28' db setting which didn't actually show all results (LONGTIME-BUG)
- (*) fixed other SQL issues in the query (broken word search for MySQL 4/5 and PostgreSQL,...)
- (*) fixed right-click PopupMenu display position and menu removal
- (*) fixed PDF Export issues
- Illegal characters in filenames will be removed/replaced (filename is name of person/movie)
- Reported 'failed' export even if was 'successful' (Translation is not complete yet!)
- (*) PDF-Export at the Detail Windows.
A dialog will be shown if you right-click on the detail window!
Java 1.4.x
The needed library (iText) is now included with this release.
The library can be found in the .\plugins\export subdirectory. The iText free Java PDF library can be downloaded from the following website if you want to upgrade (update classpath setting):
Download it here: iText - Free Java PDF library
- (+) added switch to show or remove episodes of series from the releasedate search result
- (+) added 'export' directory where the PDF exports will be saved. The directory will be created automatically if it doesn't exist.
- (/) added latest stable MySQL database driver (Connector/J V3.1.13 - 2006-05-27)
This driver allows using MySQL v3.23.28 up to v5.1.x!
MySQL Connector/J 5.x is not yet included because it doesn't support MySQL 3.23.x any more.
After some tests this may change with future JMDB releases. - (/) updated start*.* scripts (Windows and Linux)
- (/) updated instOS2.cmd script (eCS and OS/2)
- (/) updated history.txt, readme.txt, bugs.txt
- (/) for the commandline import option read the description in the history.txt for JMDB '1.35 beta - 2006-02-22'
- (*) Speed improvement (factor 2) for MySQL 4/5 databases!
- 1.35 BETA (2006-02-22)
Problem: Innotek Java v1.4.2_05-b04 on eComStation (which uses Sun JRE via Odin)
generates 'ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - No such child: 1' when executing a search, so
the 'Result window' will not get displayed.
Just hit the search button again, then it will work.
GoldenCode Java v1.4.1_07-gcd-b4 on eComStation and Java 1.5.0_06-b05 on WindowsXP do NOT show this problem. If you get this error running another Java version report it!
Detailed changes:- (+) added support for the IMDb tv series/shows episode
listing that has been added end of January 2006.
The search window got a swith to show episodes in the search results or to remove them from the results. - (+) changed the setup window (now resizeable; more options; not all options are currently used - e.g. FTP settings)
- (+) added PostgreSQL >=7.1.0 support
- (+) added MySQL >=4.1.0 and >=5.0.0 support
- (+) added feature to import files using command-line switches details will be added later
- (+) added basic support for PDF-Export (still ongoing) at
the Detail Windows. A dialog will be shown if you right-click
on the detail window!
The library 'itext-1.3.jar' needs to be downloaded and added to the classpath (see -cp parameter at the start*.* files). Download it from:
It will be included later after I checked the used license! - (*) lots of bugfixes on various parts of the application and most likely new bugs. ;)
- (*) updated installation and script updates to allow external language files
- (*) updated weblinks (JMDB FAQ, MySQL JDBC Driver Homepage)
- (*) updated language files (English, German, Spanish, Russian) Swedish is also included but NOT YET on the latest level.
- (/) updated bugs.txt (not all bugs are listed)
- (/) added latest stable MYSQL database driver (Connector/J V3.1.12 - 2005-12-22)
- (/) added 'old' PostgreSQL driver v74.215 for
PostgreSQL >=7.x
The lastest PostgreSQL 8 driver has still missing features we need! - (+) added a commandline option to start JMDB, import new
files without user interaction (resume will be used if
possible - see below) and the application gets closed
after the import!
The search window will not be displayed if one of the parameters is used, but if there has been an interruped import it will be resumed (it doesn't ask you)!!!
If you press the "Cancel" button in the converter window, the unattended import will be disabled and normal use is possible (the application will then not get closed automatically).
All warning messages (DROP DATABASE,...) will be skipped so use it with extreme caution
--- we are not responsible for any data loss!!! ---
It still needs some finetuning...closing the application generates 'Exception in thread "Thread-2"...'
The commandline options are (case-insensitive):
A little howto:
Just add the parameter after "jmdb.base.JMDBMain" in your JMDB script you use to call the application.
[...path java-runtime parameters for java and other stuff...] jmdb.base.JMDBMain ImportWithIndex
- (+) added support for the IMDb tv series/shows episode
listing that has been added end of January 2006.
- 1.30 REFRESH (2005-07-13)
Detailed changes:
- (*) updated installation and script updates to allow external language files
- (*) updated German and English translation
- (+) added Spanish (many thanks to Sergi Tur Badenas at Acacha-Movies) and Swedish (many thanks to Olof Hjalmarsson) translation
- (*) added sounds directory (again)
- (*) updated weblinks (JMDB FAQ, MySQL JDBC Driver Homepage)
- (-) removed local JMDB FAQ file (added external link to JMDB FAQ instead)
- (/) added latest stable MySQL database driver (Connector/J V3.1.10 - 2005-06-23)
This driver allows using MySQL v3.23.28 up to v4.1.12!
MySQL v5.x is untested. - (/) updated bugs.txt (some added bugs are already fixed in the upcomming JMDB v1.35)
- 1.30 (2003-11-26)
Detailed changes:
- Error in OS2INST.CMD corrected: There was a small error in the OS2INST.CMD file that has been corrected. The error was in the "-Xmx96M" setting of the created STARTOS2*.CMD script, where the "M" was missing from the parameter. You only need to download the new script, copy it to the JMDB installation directory and run it, to create a valid STARTOS2*.CMD script. All download packages have been updated on 2003-11-26 and include the corrected INSTOS2.CMD, so you don't have to update.
- 1.3 (2003-11-15)
Detailed changes:
- (+) added multi-language support (currently only German and English) Window sizes had to be changed. We are looking for volunteers that want to translate the program to other languages. Contact us via eMail (see website). The documentation (including help) is still english only!
- (+) db tables: Certificates added
- (*) Detail window: changed sorting of movies for producer and director - now sorted by years
- (*) MovieCollection: added some samples and renamed the examples from *.data/def to * to make it clear that these will be overwritten with newer releases
- (*) updated installation
- all OSes
updated batch files/scripts and added '-Xmx96M' parameter to JAVA(W)
WARNING: This leads to an out of memory exception if you have less than 100 MB of free memory left, but it will dramatically speed up the import of new IMDb data files. The speedup our beta testers reported where between factor 2 and 4, while some files could be imported even faster. You can also remove the '-Xmx' memory setting or lower the amount of memory used (don't go below 64M) to use the program! For normal operation the '-Xmx' parameter is not needed! - OS/2
- updated "instos2.cmd". It will now find more installed JAVA VMs and adds the '-Xmx' parameter to the start scripts.
- (/) added latest stable MYSQL database driver (Connector/J V3.0.9) This may also solve some string corruption problems.
- 1.2 (2003-06-08)
Detailed changes:
- (+) Search for releasedates including country (which movies can be seen this week,...). The setting for the 'Timeframe' search can be saved.
- (+) Setup
- select default internet browser (required for all URL functions)
- select which IMDb data files you want to import
- select the order of releasedates in the movie detail window
- sort by country (default) or date possible
- (+) IMDb URL for movies or persons (know bug -> umlauts in different languages not correctly converted will be fixed if we use a function from Java 1.4 - currently using 1.2)
- (+) link to JMDB Homepage in menu and 'About box'
- (*) updated installation
- Windows: new Windows Installer
- (*) changed icons in toolbar, added program icon and splash picture
- (*) changed db structure of releasedates (NEW IMPORT OF THIS FILE NEEDED)
- (*) the JTable column width can be changed without changing the sort order (bugfix)
- (*) updated Movie Collections and added a lot of features
- column type is now used for sorting the entries ("NumberFormatException" when you try to convert "abc" to a number! You have to change the Column setup in the *.def file. This may be necessary for 'COLUMN = Rating... ; String ; ...' if you don't want to update the *.def AND *.data!)
- information can be shown in multiple lines per movie
- you can switch between one and multiple lines per movie and the default (automatic mode --> LINESPERROW = 0) and is set in the *.def file for each collection
- SQL commands can now have more then one return argument
- (*) kill database has gotten a security check
- 1.1 (2003-01-20)
Detailed changes:
- Changed the import functions for the IMDb listfiles because of some minor format changes. The 1.0 stops working when trying to import current listfiles.
- 1.0 (2002-10-09)
Detailed changes:
- (+) conversion resume: Temporarily cancel the IMDB data files import. The last file that has been imported is being saved. When starting the next conversion, JMDB will ask you if to resume at this file or start the conversion from the very first file. This should also help if your Java Runtime crashes. You don't have to start from the beginning in this case.
- (*) The setup window that pops up the first time you start JMDB now closes correctly when pressing "Save".
- (*) Testing the database connection works also from the setup window that pops up when you start JMDB the first time.
- (*) Default database password is now 'root'.
- (*) Detailed output of the running time in the console window while the database conversion runs.
- (*) Index for database tables are created at the end of the conversion.
- (*) added latest MySQL AB database driver (2.0.14) *** THE 3.XX.XX DRIVERS DON'T WORK WITH JMDB AT THE MOMENT ***
- (*) updated installation
- all OSes
- updated batch files/scripts
- Windows
- Windows Installer Package (EXE) to install JMDB easily
- HTML links to different locations (MySQL, IMDb,...)
- OS/2
- updated "instos2.cmd" (it now finds the LATEST MySQL db driver if there is more than one in the current dir - the OLD drivers are not found by the instos2.cmd any more)
- updated desktop icons created by instos2.cmd
- (*) Starting JMDB under Windows checks if java is available and notifies the user if it's not.
- (*) updated readme (new links, installation, drivers,...)
- 1.0 beta 2 (2002-07-05)
Detailed changes:
- (*) JMDB crash with the akanames (since 2002-06-22) corrected!
- (*) updated installation
- OS/2: updated "instos2.cmd" (it now finds the LATEST MySQL db driver, if there is more than one in the current dir)
- 1.0 beta 1 (2002-05-27)
Detailed changes:
- (*) JRE crash: to find the exact part of the code where the JRE crash while converting occurs there are some more steps where we put details to the logfile! At least for the convert procedure, you should use the JMDB-Debug startup script and inform us when the JRE crashed while converting the *.list files.
- (+) new search method WordSearch implemented, that means searching for items that contain all the words disregarding the order. This is a really simple but useful method like in web search machines. "String comparison" search is now called "Whole String".
- (*) expert result window re-implemented
- search runs in a thread
- new dialog with status bar and some buttons at the top
- drag and drop between different expert result windows implemented (it behaves not so well, but I think that's the Java Runtime's fault)
- cloning the Expert Result Window works now
- (-) "Edit"-menu removed because it was only used for Expert Result Windows and an ERW has buttons for cut/copy/... itself.
- (*) fixed a bug in placing a result window when "SameWindow" option was enabled (the position of the old frame was taken for the new window even if the old one was closed)
- (*) QuickSearch means now only search in the normal table (e.g. movies) with substrings and then in the AKA table (e.g. akatitles). In the past, a BeginWith-Search was another partially search and was the first that was executed.
- (*) all windows have close buttons again, they work correctly now:
- internal frames detach themselves from the "window" menu, the main
- window writes the config before exiting JMDB
- (+) when the text field in the search window gets the focus again, all the text is selected, so the user can directly start to write another search expression
- (+) When "same window" option in search window is checked, the last result window is closed before starting the actual search.
- (*) search window: when "start"-button was default-button and then the user pressed enter in the text field, the search was started two times. Now, after every keypress, none of the buttons is the default button.
- (+) new option "search again" in File menu activates the last search window that was used
- (+) F1 opens help, F3 opens the last search window, F7 creates a new search window
- (*) ALT+s in main window is "search window" again (was assigned to the wrong button)
- (+) Setup - FileChooser-dialog added for selecting directory and files
- (*) codepage problems with (German Umlauts) solved! If you make an update from a previous JMDB version the Database connection URL string has to be updated to (interesting part beginning with the ?): jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jmdb?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=iso8859-1
- (*) connection check at every new search. The status bar changes directly if the connection to the server is broken!
- (/) added latest MM.MYSQL database driver (V2.0.12)
- (/) checked latest OS/2 release of Java 1.3.1 (IBM build co131-20020405)
- (*) updated installation
- OS/2: updated "instos2.cmd" (Java 1.3.1 and Java 1.3 are now both found)
- 0.99 beta 2 (2002-04-11)
Detailed changes:
- (*) fixed serious bug that prevents converter from converting the actors/actresses (hang)
- (+) import compressed (*.list.gz) or decompressed (*.list) IMDb files
- 0.99 beta (2002-04-06)
Detailed changes:
- (+) Rewrite of the main dialogs with threads, database queries now work in the background, allowing a quickly updated display and multiple queries at the same time. New dialogs have a progressbar and a status message at the bottom showing the actual database query or whats going on right now.
- (+) complete new "simple result window" with a configurable table:
- columns title, year, rating, directors, actors for movies
- quick sort function that makes several quick db queries for a quicker result in the dialog
- automatic resort of the table rows after all results came in (only if the user didn't click into the table)
- while database queries are working in the simple result window, the user can start a detail window query for the movie/person
- table sortable by columns
- options configurable in setup
- bookmark function to add a movie in the "Bookmarks Movie Collection" (see underneath)
- (+) complete new "detail window"
- quick navigation menu with all the categories of data shown for jumping to that position, a hotlist internally stores the most clicked categorys and highlights them in the menu
- hyperlinks (movies, actors, directors, producers) to open a new detail window
- (+) complete new "DatabaseConverter"
- window is now JInternalFrame
- threads are now supported, and you see the progress of the file import
- menu and toolbar are disabled/invisible while converting
- (+) IMDb data errors are now written into an extra log file (IMDb_Error.log)
- (+) "movie collections" are sets of movies defined in text files.
- With movie collections, the user can manage a Bookmark movie list and his own video or DVD lists inside JMDB.
- Movie collections are presented as a table inside JMDB. With one mouse click, the user can open a detail windows for a movie the same way as in a simple result window. The design of the table is configurable in the table definition file. Columns with their size and colors are defined there.
- The data text files are standard CSV (character separated value) files, that can easily be edited with a text editor or created from a spreadsheet application.
- For filling the table inside JMDB, the data is read from the data file. Macrowords can be defined and result in an automatic table filling from the database, e.g. the word RATING could be replaced automatically by a string representing the rating for that movie. Macroword definitions are SQL statements. Also SQL commands can be defined that are executed before filling the table.
- So, the whole movie collection feature goes from a simple table with only one movie name column to a table with several columns and complex automatic SQL macros.
- (+) database check at startup, result in main window status bar at bottom of screen
- (+) new values are saved in cfg: search window options, result window size, help window size, detail window size, database converter window size
- (+) new Intelligent Window Positioning tries to place a new internal frame at a free position
- (+) added Java LookAndFeel support (now you can select different styles)
- (*) added reading the movies.list in the Database Converter to find how many movies are in it. That is needed to specifiy the size of the movie array that holds the data for fast access during the convert procedure. It takes less than 5 seconds to do that.
- (*) updated installation
- OS/2
- updated "startos2.cmd" and "startos2debug.cmd" (created by instos2.cmd)
- updated "instos2.cmd" (updated URLs, automatic search for db driver) and finally made a WarpIN installer archive available
- Windows
- updated "startwin.bat" and added "startwindebug.bat"
- Linux
- updated "startlinux"
- (*) renaming the cfg values, replacing them as static class variables
- (*) complete resorting the classes into new packages jmdb.base, jmdb.database, jmdb.sortabletable, jmdb.util
- (*) changed internal use of name, version, url,...
- (*) minimum window sizes set correctly
- (*) JMDB saves the config not only by menu item "File->Exit" but also with clicking the window close button
- (*) JMDBSetup tries to get the correct paths for the first start and prepares the config
- (/) added latest MM.MYSQL database driver (V2.0.11)
- (/) checked Sun Java 1.4 environment (Win)
- (/) checked IBM Java 1.3 environment (OS/2 - updated by IBM 2002-02-15)
- (u) ExpertResult window not yet available (will be working again in version 1.0)
- 0.93 beta (2001-06-30)
Detailed changes:
- (*) "Search for AKAs" in search window is enabled by default
- (*) list of movies after a search with AKAs is sorted complete now (two sorted lists in old version)
- 0.92 beta (2001-05-28)
Detailed changes:
- (*) Config Setup is now diplayed in the middle of the screen, when jmdb.cfg doesn't exist.
- (*) Splash screen is now shown correctly
- (*) technical.list can again be read by JMDB (there has been added one empty line in ASCII file)
- (*) removed tabs from keywords, genres, prod. companies, coutries,... (internal information: all files read by class DataImportType1 and have TABs in it)
- (*) Added some text messages in Database Converter
- (*) updated database connections to use special method to do this (several used the old connection style)
- (*) Updated readme (added copyright information, corrected name and link of OS/2 archiver to extract ASCII files, added link to IMDB FAQ and the latest OS/2 MySQL versions)
- (+) db tables: Taglines and Goofs added
- (+) added aka search on titles and names; Checkbox in search window
- (+) added copyright information for IMDb data (copyimdb.txt, readme and at the bottom of JMDB detail windows).
- (+) OS2 install script updated (automatic Boot drive recognition and more desktop icons)
- (+) added file 'history' to package
- (+) added file 'file_id.diz' to package (FidoNet)
- (-) Setup: disabled 'Prompt for User ID and Password....' on DB-Setup page
- 0.91 beta (2001-04-29)
Detailed changes:
- (*) AboutBox can be opened now
- (+) db tables: Quotes, Trivia, MPAA rating reasons
- 0.9 beta (2001-04-25)
Detailed changes:
- first published version